Community Guidelines

At SeeSnap, we are dedicated to empowering teams, organizations, and communities to solve problems through the simple act of taking photos.

We created these Community Guidelines (the “Guidelines”) to support our mission by encouraging safe and social use of the service we provide. As the colloquial saying goes, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” At SeeSnap, we want those words - and the pictures our users upload on the platform - to be uplifting, to spark a friendship, and to promote productivity. In that spirit, we have designed these Guidelines to prohibit certain negative and dangerous content so that our digital platform can provide a safe space for all users.

We use artificial intelligence to preemptively prevent the posting of certain controversial or illegal material on our platform. However, our technology cannot be perfect; thus, we encourage you to submit complaints through our formal channels if you witness any harmful or illegal activity on the SeeSnap platform. We will do our best to respond to your complaints as soon as we can and to resolve the issue as best as we know-how.

Our Community Guidelines apply to all content on the SeeSnap platform. These Community Guidelines govern your relationship with SeeSnap, your use of SeeSnap, and access to all services and products provided by SeeSnap. By accessing SeeSnap, you agree to these terms.


Spam is repetitive content that does not contribute to the conversation. It often comes in the form of multiple posts of repeating content that offer little to no value to the community and platform at large. We prohibit spam and reserve the right to remove from the SeeSnap platform any content determined to be spam, at our sole discretion.


  • Soliciting advertisements or product recommendations on any post that is not your own.
  • Posting or commenting on any fraudulent content with the intention of taking advantage or scamming users.
  • Repetitive comments or posts which are irrelevant to the conversation.

Sexually Explicit Content

Sexually Explicit Content is content that contains pornographic materials or promotes pornography in any way. We reserve the right to evaluate what constitutes pornographic material on a case-by-case basis and to remove such content as we see fit. Of course, posting, sending, or saving any nude or sexual content involving anyone under the age of 18 - including yourself - is illegal. Do not engage in such conduct on the SeeSnap platform, and do not ask any minor to engage in such conduct on the platform. We will report all illegal activity that we detect on the platform to the proper authorities. Breastfeeding and other depictions of nudity in non-sexual contexts are not considered pornographic and are permitted on SeeSnap.


  • Posting lewd or nude images of one’s self or of any other person on the platform.
  • Making sexually-charged comments to any other user on the platform.
  • Soliciting sexual or pornographic content from others on the platform


Terrorist organizations officially recognized by the United States are forbidden from using SeeSnap. Supporor marketing for any terrorist organization on SeeSnap will result in the user being banned from the platform.


  • FTO (Foreign Terrorist Organization): The account is associated with, or marketing or advocating for a recognized FTO.
  • Language/visuals (including historic symbols or icons) which show support, market, or advocate for any terrorist groups recognized by the United States.

Harassment and Bullying

SeeSnap was built to bring people together, not to isolate them. Therefore, we have no tolerance for bullying or harassment of any user on the platform. In this vein, please do not send messages or take photos that are intended to shame anyone, to embarrass them, or to target them in any way. Do not take photos of people without their permission or in private places (doctor’s office, locker room, bathroom, e.g.) without their consent. We will remove all content that is intended to harass or bully others and reserve the right to report this activity to the relevant authorities.


  • Posting photos of a person in real life, identifying them by name, and revealing any other personal or sensitive information in bad faith.
  • Repeatedly posting content about a certain user - or tagging that user’s account in certain content - without their permission.


Both Libel and Slander are forms of Defamation. Libel is found in print. Slander is found in speech. We will evaluate each alleged case of libel/slander on the platform as we receive them. In determining what is libel/slander in a given case, we will comply with all laws, requirements, and court decisions that define libel/slander.


  • Purposefully sharing rumors about other users/people you know are false.
  • Creating lies about other users’ activities, their intent, their identities, or any other element of their account.
  • Attacking someone’s reputation, their behavior offline, or their identity, if you do not know the identity of the user or you know them, and your attacks are either known to be false or have no factual basis.

Other Illegal Content

SeeSnap is not intended to be used for other illegal content - like buying or selling illegal drugs, creating a marketplace for stolen or other illegally obtained goods, trafficking weapons or humans, or for any other illegal purpose. We will do our best to remove all accounts and content that violate the law, as quickly as possible.

Reports and Other Processes

If you witness any of the above activities while on the SeeSnap platform, we want to know. Please file a report with our safety team using our in-app reporting feature. We review these reports to determine whether there is a violation of these Guidelines and any action that needs to be taken.

If you violate these Community Guidelines, we may remove the offending content, terminate your account, and/or notify law enforcement. If your account is terminated for violating our Terms of Service or these Guidelines, you may not use SeeSnap again. Please take these Guidelines seriously and honor them in the spirit in which they are intended. We will enforce them as consistently and fairly as possible, and we will address each circumstance on a case-by-case basis and deal with perpetrators and victims as needed.

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